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What guests said about An Najaf:

  • 8.0
    Scored 8.0

    Best for spiritual seekers.

    Best for spiritual seekers. Najaf is the place where many Prophets SA were buried. Kufa mosque, house of Imam Ali SA and Kumail Ibn Zaid shrine, Hannaneh mosque, Masjid Sahlah are a definite visit which will take about 2-3 days for a relaxed visit during normal non-peak days. Try taking Hillah road from Najaf to Karbala instead of a normal route to stop by at Prophet Ayub SA's shrine and water which cured him is as a well. Water is drinkable and sweet. Najaf is the Land of Ziyarahs as beautiful as Imam Ali AS. So much more to be explored. If you are lucky to find local helpful people, they will take you to amazing places not usually known. Good luck for solo, family and group travellers.
  • 8.0
    Scored 8.0

    Najaf - very incredible city - the beat trip to Ale Arbain .

    Najaf - very incredible city - the beat trip to Ale Arbain . A lot of peoples from different part od Iraq. This is Holy city. Incredible , but all you pay cash 😭. Not credit , debit card. Bank no problems .
  • 10
    Scored 10

    Najaf has extra people. Very simple and generous.

    Najaf has extra people. Very simple and generous. They welcome people from everywhere and they are very polite. Even in the late night, the narrow old streets of the market are always full with people. One feels very safe there